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Softlogic Life Insurance Sri Lanka. Iftikar ahamed and chief distribution officer of alternate channel, mr. The national insurer, sri lanka insurance (slic), yet again affirms its superiority in the insurance industry here being the most loved brand in the life insurance and general insurance categories and most valuable general insurance brand at the brand finance’s most valuable and most loved brand index for the fifth consecutive year.

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This product is therefore most sought after by the tech savvy sri lankan of today frequently transacting online. The national insurer, sri lanka insurance (slic), yet again affirms its superiority in the insurance industry here being the most loved brand in the life insurance and general insurance categories and most valuable general insurance brand at the brand finance’s most valuable and most loved brand index for the fifth consecutive year. Softlogic life insurance is a insurance located in colombo sri lanka, asia, and was founded in 1999.

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Principal activities and ownership the company is licensed by the gibraltar financial 20×1 and the related statements of income and retained earnings, and cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with statements on standards for accounting and review services issued by the american institute of certified public accountants. Insurance category impacts accounting practices.