Florida Unemployment Insurance Poster

Florida Unemployment Insurance Poster. Federal poster (20 x 24) includes these postings: Ui tax is paid on each employee's wages up to a maximum annual amount.

Free Unemployment Insurance Spanish Labor Law Poster 2021 from www.laborposters.org

The poster includes the following changes: This poster, in english, serves as a notice to employees about the unemployment. Currently, the amount is stable at $7,000.

Nevada Unemployment Insurance Poster

Nevada Unemployment Insurance Poster. Nevada’s “paid leave” poster states that every employer in private employment with not less than 50 employees shall provide paid leave to each employee of the employer. The poster must be posted in a conspicuous area on the employer’s premises where employees can readily see it.

Free Indiana Indiana Unemployment Insurance Labor Law Poster 2020 from www.laborposters.org

Information for the unemployed worker Your employer provides insurance to help protect you when you become unemployed through no fault of your own. This poster explains how workers can file for unemployment insurance and disability insurance and who pays for these benefits.