How to Make Official and Informal Memos with Memo Template?

Sometimes something is written officially in a special paper format using official language and writing systematic. There are also such short messages written like private writing, written with no regard for official writing rules. Both can and may be done in accordance with certain goals and situations. In the world of work, such short messages are called memos.

In this case, you should keep your message short and concise. Just write straight to the main points you want to convey. The language you use must consider the extent of your closeness and closeness to the person to be given the message. If you feel that you are not very familiar and close to the person you are going to text, write the memo in kind and polite language so that it doesn’t offend the person. Put your name clearly on the memo, so that the memo can be accounted for. Include the name of the person you are addressing so that the memo is not misdirected.

What is Memo Template?

Making a memo or memorandum does not take a long time because memos are usually short, solid and to the point. There are two types of Memos, namely formal memos and informal memos, each of which has a different purpose. Memo Template can be one of the best ways you may take to create your own.

The method of making a company memorandum, which is also called an official memo, is slightly different from an informal memo. In making it, we are better off typing a memo in Microsoft Word for a tidier writing and easy to adjust the type and font size. Because the sample memo is short, you can write it in a relatively short time.

Steps to Make Formal Memos with Memo Template

An official memo can be said to be a memo issued for the benefit of a formal institution such as a company, its intended use must also be directly related to the interests of the company or agency.

  • Step #1: Know the Basic Parts

Knowing the basic parts of the memo, namely the address to which it is sent, the subject of the memo, the date of sending the memo and the initials and the name of the sender.

  • Step #2: Write or Type it

Writing memos can be typed and can also be handwritten. What matters is that the content is short and straightforward.

How to Make Informal Memos with Memo Template?

On the other hand, informal memos are intended for personal matters, not for the benefit of a particular formal institution. This means that it is intended for colleagues for personal interests only. Usually this memo is addressed to relatives, co-workers, or to friends or girlfriends.

In the systematic writing of informal memos, there are no binding provisions. Because this memo is a free memo, it is not formal. So, there is no template for you to use in order to create the informal version.

That is our discussion on how to make a good and correct memo. Hopefully this article can help you to make a memo that fits the rules that are applied. Thank you for visiting this blog. Don’t forget to share this article with other friends.

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